Monday 3 August 2015


Seun Ogundele is the CEO of Fastplus Innovation and Nairawin Ltd.The former is into internet business training,website development and Webhosting while the latter is a Sport betting company.He is a respectable Internet Marketer,Seminar Speaker,Internet Makreting Consultant, He has also be interviewed by some of Nigeria's Most widely read newspaper like The Nation, Success Digest Extra. He got Nigeria Youngest Internet CEO Award in year 2012 by Nigeria Number 1 Business Newspaper.He has developed over 200 Websites for clients Both In Nigeria and abroad. He Operates lot of website like :,,
see interview after the cut

               What’s your full name?
‘My name is Ogundele Oluwaseun Stephen most people called me youngest CEO or CEO’
  If you were not seun say. Just another random Abuad student, how would you describe him?
‘He is a very nice guy, humble and easy going.Fun to be with ’
                      Your best food?
‘I love Pounded Yam and vegetable’
                                Are you in a relationship?
‘yes I am in a relationship with the most loving and caring girl ever and I love her so  much’

              Can you give us a glimpse of who he/she is?
                       She is all I ever want
                          Who is your favourite artiste?
‘Wizkid is my number one ever cause he inspire me a lot with his songs.’
               What’s your favourite fashion combination
‘I don’t know anything about fashion, I just wear things that complement me’
                       Who is your role model?
‘I have 2 role models when it comes to business. My role models are Aare Afe Babalola  and Akin Alabi, CEO of’
What is that thing, or who is that person that just motivates you?
‘Right from when I was young I always want to start my own business,  that  keeps me going. Also the people I surround myself with.’
           You speak English fluently, any yoruba side to you? Show us.
      ‘Yes, I can speak Yoruba very well cause am a Yoruba boy’
                    How did you come about Nairawin?
I am into Internet marketing business and Website Development for good 4 years. In my quest to make more money,I got the idea of sport betting business

from my mentor who owns NairaBET in year 2012.And that’s how I launched’

                          What’s your vision for Nairawin?
‘To be Number 1. Sport betting Website In Africa With Biggest Odds and Fastest Payout’
                             Which club do you support?
‘ I am not a football fanatic, I don’t watch football but I love Man. UTD’
                           Hobbies, things you like doing?
‘ I love surfing the net cause I spend most of my time online cause that where my business lies. I love swimming, watching movies’
How did you come about your first business?
‘I came across internet business in a business newspaper 9 years ago when I was in secondary school’
               What inspired you to make the first attempt.
‘ Cause I love making money, That’s my hobby anyway…’
                   What’s the craziest thing that has ever happened to you?
Wow!  The day I lost over $20,000 in my adsense account and I couldn’t cash the money

                       How do you see yourself in the next five years after you have graduated?
‘Well I see myself as one of the youngest successful entrepreneur in Africa and with my 2 companies going international: Fastplus Innovation and NairaWIN’

                    What is that thing you think people don’t know about you? In one word, how would you describe your experience with the Abuad students so far?
‘Most people think am proud, but the truth is am a very humble guy’.

                      You have fans, admirers, people who look up to you, what do you have to say to them?
Thanks for believing in me and I love you all.
Finally. Is there anything you’ll like the Abuad students to know about at large?
A lot of people say that I look too serious but am not and am a shy guy.

     How do you cope with all the pressure from owning so many sites, and still being a student in between?
Well it’s not easy but in the long run I learnt how to balance my academic life with my business.


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